Tuesday, May 3, 2011

One year and a little bit

It's been busy, but who's life isn't busy, right? I have one more final to take next week and then it is off to another college in the fall. I will be taking courses from Eastern Illinois University. Something like 25 to 30 more hours and I will have my bachelor's degree.

My one year bandiversary was on April 13th and I am down 90 pounds. I still have a long ways to go, but I feel so much better than I did on April 12, 2010. I have so much more energy and my life just seems even.

I don't obsess over food like I did before getting the band. Food, most times, is not on my mind and I would never have thought that would be possible in my life.

I plan on kicking up the exercise routines after next week too. I won't be busy studying or at class and am looking forward to having some time for me to do the things that I now enjoy. I have several friends who have said that they will play tennis with me. I love playing tennis but when you are living large it is not as much fun. So here is to many tennis games in my future this summer.

As I lose the weight, my body is transforming also. Things are much smaller, except for the girls - who seem to be hanging on; but things are a little looser too. I am hoping that over time they will go back to where they belong but if they don't I will have to think long and hard as to whether I want to surgically correct things. The only body parts that really bother me at this point are my arms. I have the bat wings plus a little more. Would I rather have them filled with fat? No way, it's just paying for the sins of eating.

I have to get ready for work, but just though that I would stop in here for a moment to catch you up.

I hope whoever is also on this same type of journey as me is doing well. We all stumble, just have to pick yourself up and look forward; looking back does nothing to help you.

Have a great spring day.

Until next time.............


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Have not been on here forever!!!

Hi everyone,

I know that it has been ages since I have posted, but life has been great and busy. I am finishing up my degree at Parkland and I took three classes last semester and it really kicked my butt. They were all labor extensive classes and more than I bargained for. However, I only have two more classes to take this semester and then I have my Associates degree and only need about 25 hours to finish up my Bachelor's degree.

So much in my life has changed since I had my surgery and the best part is that I have so much energy now that I am always busy. I exercise every day and sometimes twice a day. I rarely sit down and watch television because there are so many other things I would rather do than sit on my behind and I believe that it is all because of my lap-band. I LOVE IT still.

When I started this journey, my thinking about the band was very different than what it is today. I have had to work hard to lose this weight and would never have been able to without the band taking away the physical hunger. The head hunger was what I have had to deal with. I still love food and that was one thing that I had to work through. I don't need much food for my body and I don't need food for my head either. It has taken me awhile to learn that lesson, but it is one that I have figured out for the most part.

During one of my visits with Dr. Rohrscheib I talked to him about eating three meals a day and thinking that was a lot more food than I needed. He gave me the best advice ever- if I am not hungry, don't eat. It was that simple. I don't have to eat three meals a day if I don't want to. My body will tell me when I need food and it also tells me when I am thirsty; sometimes I have to listen carefully to what my body is telling me.

I have now lost 80 pounds and feel great. The weight comes off more slowly now even though I work out more and move more, but that is okay. I didn't get fat overnight and I won't get thin over night. I will keep plugging along no matter how long it takes. I love how I feel and that is what makes me keep on wanting to continue this journey.

Of course, there are days when I wish that I could eat a big ole' steak or a homemade roll, but those are really few and far between. The foods that I can't have are not really a focus, it is more about getting the best fuel in my body. I can tell energy wise when I have not made the best food choices, and I have to rethink what I will eat next. Everyone has off days, but there are less of those now.

I think part of my motivation is also the fact that many people know about my journey. I have done two radio commercials and now a television commercial and people are very aware of my journey. I want them to say "Wow" she is doing great, not "Poor Deena" still couldn't do it.

I am so appreciative still of winning this contest, that I will NOT GO BACK to where I was. The Illinois Bariatric Center believed in me and I won't let them down.

Talk to you all soon. We are in the midst of a blizzard and the lights keep flickering. Stay safe and I promise I will be back on again soon.